
Member Notices

London Golf Club Partners with Demelza Hospice Care for Children

London Golf Club, as we proudly announce our partnership with Demelza Hospice Care for Children. … Read More

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The London Golf Club – 30th Year Anniversary

30 Years of the London Golf Club 10th July 2024 marks 30 Years of the London Golf Club A BIG YEAR AHEAD As the club reaches the 30 Year mark, check back here for opportunities and events thorughout 2024! ______ … Read More

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World Handicap System

Please click here to access our updated Course Ratings and Handicap Index Tables. … Read More

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Body Clinic

James Burroughs brings Body Clinic to London Golf Club … Read More

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Fine Tune Your Game

Book a game health check today. … Read More

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Club Operating Hours

Please click here to see our operating hours. … Read More

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GreyCircle Executive Coaching

Visit the golf club and access your business coach all in one place. … Read More

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Elite Live Online Bookings

For easier access to online bookings, members are encouraged to download the Elite Live App. … Read More

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Car Wash Facility

We are delighted to advise that our car wash facility is now back in operation with Prestige Cars of Kent operating the service. … Read More

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